A couple looking at a new product on a e-commerce website

Influenced by technology and increasingly fast-paced changes in lifestyle trends, consumers are constantly evolving. And they expect the brands they purchase and the stores they shop from to keep pace with their changing preferences.

In retail, the organizations that constantly reinvent themselves stay one step ahead. Using the latest technology, from chatbots to augmented reality, helps retail brands engage with and delight their audience, driving loyalty. A deep understanding of the customer and a 360-degree view of their journey is essential to meet customer expectations in the moments that matter.

Case studies

Retail Case Study 1

Enhanced CX drives revenue success for leading retailer

The challenge

Our client, a leading Australian retailer, relies on Startek® to manage the frontline experience for its membership customers.

The Startek® solution
  • Developed the stakeholder relationship
  • Devised and implemented processes to ensure innovation projects within the client organization do not impact negatively on the customer experience
  • Developed and rolled out live chat solution
The results
  • 135% of revenue target delivered
  • 19% improvement in Grade of Service (GOS)
Retail Case Study 2

Gamification drives agent performance for e-commerce company

The challenge

Our client, a leading e-commerce company, lacked a clear view of agent performance against goals. Manual reporting delivered limited insights into agent-level performance. Remote working exacerbated the problem, with team leaders struggling to drive improvements in operational metrics, including average handle time (AHT), customer satisfaction (CSAT), first contact resolution (FCR) and non-compliant contacts.

The Startek® solution
  • Introduced Startek® Agent AI with a focus on improving agent performance
  • Integrated multiple data sources with the Startek® Gamification platform to provide a single activity view
  • Leaderboards and digital badges encourage agent engagement
  • Quizzes test and build knowledge, improving call handling and inquiry management
  • In-platform challenges create friendly competition among agents, driving adherence to KPIs
The results
  • 10% reduction in average handle time (AHT)
  • 5% improvement in customer satisfaction (CSAT)
  • 6% improvement in first contact resolution (FCR)
  • 5% improvement in compliance
Retail Case Study 3

RPA creates efficiency and drives customer satisfaction for e-commerce giant

The challenge

Our client, a global e-commerce company, wanted to streamline the customer claims process. Their existing process resulted in multiple incident logs for each concern raised.

Startek worked closely with the client to streamline the process for managing customer concerns, reducing the opportunity for human error and creating a faster process to drive customer satisfaction.

The Startek® solution
  • Leveraged Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to perform initial triage on claims received
  • RPA provides 24/7 support converting claims received into actionable items, and appropriately queues items for trained agents to process
  • RPA manages high volume, repeatable tasks while agent resources are focused on high value and high complexity tasks
The results
  • $500K ROI (over 3 years)
  • 70% reduction in claim turnaround time
  • Improved customer satisfaction
Retail Case Study 4

Proactive social media management increases engagement by 100%

The challenge

Our client, a leading global aftermarket automotive retailer, prioritizes delivering market-leading customer experience (CX) at every customer touchpoint.

Our client wanted to leverage social media and communities to create stronger brand affinity, and turned to Startek for support, building on their existing successful partnership delivering phone, chat and email-based sales support.

The Startek® solution
  • Implemented dedicated Social Media and Communities team
  • Prioritized positive brand experience across social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Amazon reviews
  • Devised proactive social media strategy
  • Respond in real-time
  • Identified consumers posting about flat tires as potential customers, offer relevant promotions creating positive brand moments
The results
  • 100% increase in engagement via social channels

Your trusted CX partner

Trusted by the retail and e-commerce industry for more than 30 years, Startek® has the expertise you need to deliver world-class CX.



Supporting voice and non-voice services



Global delivery with local flair



Building stronger customer connections



Trusted by leading brands

Featured solutions

Call center agents happily working on a omnichannel contact center
Startek® omnichannel contact center

Deliver world-class CX across channels

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A woman making bookings for holidays through social media channel
Startek® LISA

Deliver real-time, personalized and effortless social CX

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Female agent happy with automated quality management support in a call center
Startek® automated quality management

Drive efficiency and accuracy

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Team discussing CX strategy on office wall sticky notes
Startek® CX consulting

Reimagine your CX delivery

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