Webinar recap: Improving customer experience in contact Centers through next-gen analytics and insights

 Startek Editorial
Startek Editorial

Sep 20, 2022 | 3 min read

Globally, enterprises are doubling down on customer experience (CX) as a key lever to build market differentiation. With an increasing focus on digital CX, analytics has emerged as an important solution to deliver business-critical insights to help brands understand their customers better and delight them by filling the expectation gaps.

In association with Everest Group® our webinar Improving Customer Experience in Contact Centers Through Next-Gen Analytics and Insights saw Sharang Sharma, Practice Director, Everest Group, share insights on the importance of next-gen analytics, discuss the role of analytics in reimagining customer journeys and revealed how analytics as a service solution is driving the way forward for the brands.

Key Takeaways

Role of next-gen analytics in delivering world-class CX

At its core, a world-class CX is all about creating meaningful interactions with customers that meet their needs and exceed their expectations. This means going above and beyond to resolve issues, delivering personalized service and making it easy for customers to do business with you.

To create an exceptional CX, brands need to understand what their customers want and expect. And that’s where analytics comes in. Through next-generation analytics, contact centers can obtain a deeper understanding of the customer journey, identify opportunities for improvement and track the impact of changes made to the customer experience.


Analytics is critical to the success of any modern digital CX transformation effort

Almost all leading enterprises have embarked on their digital transformation journey with a prime objective being to deliver better CX. Omnichannel management, automation, including chatbots and RPA, agent-assist solutions and workforce optimization are being deployed widely across organizations, creating a bedrock of data and analytics. Analytics is used across omnichannel experiences to improve channel efficiency, provide a 360-degree customer view and enhance customer escalation procedures. Similarly, automation and agent-assist solutions leverage analytics to identify opportunities for process improvement, monitor performance and recommend next-best-action.

Analytics is an industry agnostic

The use and role of analytics are industry-wide. Organizations can leverage analytics solutions to improve customer-facing processes, cost-efficiency, workforce management, channel optimization and in many other multidisciplinary fields, including:

  • Healthcare

Gather patients’ dispersed data – doctor’s visits, pharmacist recommendations, wearable tech and demographics – and utilize it to offer personalized plans and routines

  • Retail

Identify common customer pain points across the customer journey and proactively create self-help portals to address frequently asked questions

  • Travel & hospitality

Identify diverse customer segments’ typical responses to different upsell and cross-sell offers and the timeframe with the highest chances of conversion

Role of advanced analytics in enhancing CX in call centers

Every customer interaction in a call center offers a wealth of valuable data. Operational analytics allows call centers to harness this information to uncover insights from unstructured sources, for example through text and speech analytics, workforce management and channel analytics to enhance operational efficiency and minimize costs. Organizations can further deploy customer journey analytics and voice of customer (VOC) analytics to understand customers more clearly and influence proactive and predictive customer strategies to deliver a relevant and meaningful experience to customers.

“There are a number of tools in next analytics like customer journey analytics, voice of customer analytics and customer churn analytics that have broad applicability such as understanding customer needs, satisfaction level across touchpoints and motivation for the customer to engage with brands across channels.”

Sharang Sharma, Practice Director, Everest Group

Roadblocks to successful next-gen analytics

Organizations face numerous challenges while implementing next-gen analytics solutions. These roadblocks can be broadly classified into three categories: process, technology and people. Implementation is often challenged by ambiguity in roles, a lack of skilled talent, a lack of clear vision and strategy, an inability to convert insights into actions, fragmented data systems and inadequate IT infrastructure. Organizations can overcome these challenges by following best practices, including clearly defining an enterprise-wide vision for the role of analytics, establishing a framework to identify and prioritize actionable insights and developing a comprehensive data strategy ecosystem to support the organization’s analytics strategy.

Leverage third-party CXM partner

While next-gen analytics solutions are integral to an organization's digital transformation journey, deploying and managing these solutions requires expertise. To improve the adoption and delivery of analytics and imbed insights into their business practices, brands must understand their current stage on the journey, clearly identify gaps to enable them to effectively leverage analytics solutions and address customer and associate pain points to improve CX and business outcomes. Brands must understand the requirements for success in terms of cost, resource, time and technology needs of an analytics program. The right third-party CX solutions partner with specialized domain knowledge, skilled resources and cost-effective solutions will enable organizations to realize their CX transformation in a guided and secure environment.

At Startek® we understand that it is the outcome that determines the success of any program. Therefore we build our analytics programs around the ability to deliver actionable insights that drive measurable impact for your unique business goals.

To learn more about how analytics solutions from Startek can support your business, contact us today.

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